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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  September 10, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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it is ridiculous. >> reporter: this dude will have a story to tell. in maryland, beth parker, fox 5 news. good morning. straight up 5:00. taking a live look on this monday at the u.s. capitol dome where things will get back up and running as congress expected to be back in session today. we will continue to follow that. first, we are following big news for the redskins. >> huge. >> he did live up to the hype. rookie rg iii led appear offensive explosion with two touchdown passes. >> the first was to pierre garcon. he followed that up. the skins win 40-32. here is griffin on the victory. >> to play in the nfl, the pinnacle of it all and win your first game and go against a hall of famer in drew brees. after the game he told me he was proud of me. that is big for him to say
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after they just lost the game. i respect him for that. it is definitely number one on my list. >> coming up later this hour, we'll break down the skins' big win with dave ross in monday morning quarterbacks. >> he will be excited as well. >> good times in d.c. when the skins win. >> good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. >> we have an update on this weekend's storm. residents in northern virginia are cleaning up after heavy rain pounded that area. this was the scene in reston where several trees damaged homes and cars. the weather was bad but luckily, there was no confirmed tornado sighting and no one was seriously hurt. this morning, power has been restored to all dominion virginia customers affected by that storm. you really felt it come in. i was starting to get worried. it just came in so fast and furious but we knew we were going to have that storm. >> that front was very, very strong and we had this real humid unstable air mass so it
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is like bang, you know. but it was a busy day, let me tell you. it was a very busy day. happy to say things are much calm are now. good weather to at loft get out there and do whatever clean-up needs to be done. we don't have any clouds or anything going on. maybe a little bit of fog to the far west but other than that, we have a ridge of high pressure in control and that will hold us for the majority of the week. yes' highs, just two to three degrees below the seasonal average. average. i want to tell you, on saturday, it was like 89 degrees but it felt a lot warmer because of the humidity. here is a look at our current temperatures now. we have 06-degree at baltimore this hour. we've got 60 -- we have 60 degrees at baltimore this hour. we've got 60 at dulles.
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59degrees at dulles. that 60 is at baltimore. i just can't see that very well. >> it's okay. i can't read it either. >> 50s and 60s as you start your morning, folks. midday, 74 degrees. take a look at the sun. it will an very, very nice day. only thing you have to deal with are the wind. they are going to pick i'm little bit and get a little bit on the gusty side. here are your daytime highs. >> let's check in with julie wright and get the latest on traffic. >> right now on the roads, you will find your lanes are open around the capital beltway with no incidents reported ad you travel southbound along 270 coming in out of frederick working your way south of hyattstown. traffic volume moving at speed with no problems reported headed in towards clarkdzburg. overnight construction in virginia has cleared off 95 in each direction traveling between fredericksburg and stafford. -- no problems reported headed in towards clarksburg. no problems reported across the 14th street bridge.
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light volume here working your way out to the 14th street bridge and continuing over to the southeast-southwest freeway. kenilworth avenue is at speed with no problems reported. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. some stories making headlines this morning. a community meeting is being held tonight to discuss the unsolved murder of a maryland teenager. 17-year-old amber stanley was killed in her sleep last month at her home in kettering. investigators say there is nothing in her background to indicate someone wanted her dead. police will address any concerns about the case at the kettering community cent ore chester -- center on chesterton drive at 7:00 p.m. teacher union in chicago is going on strike for the first time in 25 years. the two sides are haggling over issues like pay raises, benefits and job security. mayor rahm emmanuel condemned the union's decision to strike. we'll have more on this in a
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full report coming up in about 15 minutes. it is back to work for lawmakers up on capitol hill after a five-week vacation. they are come back for an abbreviated pre-election session. they're expected to do what congress does best, punt the most difficult problems the future and they are facing several deadlines and the possibility of tax increases and spending cuts but their focus appears to be just prevent august government shutdown at the end of the month. month. the u.s. capitol building is getting ready for election day. there are a lot of changes going on up on capitol hill this morning. >> construction crews are getting ready for the 2013 presidential inauguration. for more on that and the latest on the campaign trail, we turn to fox 5's melanie alnwick now live on capitol hill. >> good morning. the west terrace of the u.s. capitol will be closed beginning this morning to construct those inaugural stands. the area will be fenced off and
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lawmakers, staff and visitors will have to start using side entrances for the duration. but here is sworn in here on january 2169 depends on what happens between now and november. the gallup poll of registered voteers showing president obama way five-point lead now 49 to 44%. the poll was taken the week of the democratic national convention which most analysts agree now gave mr. obama a small bounce. president obama hit another key battleground state on sunday. twenty-nine delegates up for grabs in florida. real clear politics average of polls showing the president with a slight lead there butt state still a is to-up. the president's campaign appearances in the sunshine state tried to turn attention away from jobs and the economy towards medicare. mitt romney spent sunday off the campaign trail attending church with his wife and doing intense debate prep. he clarified his assistance on obamacare saying republicans may keep some parts of the
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controversial health care law such as coverage for preexisting conditions and young adult children. here are some of the candidate's arguments. >> i will never turn medicare into a voucher. we won't do that. >> if this president is re- elected you will see chronic high unemployment continue for another four years or longer. you will see low wage growth if any growth at all and there will always be this fiscal calamity at our doorstep. >> reporter: mitt romney will head to ohio today. 18 electoral votes up for grabs there. you can expect both campaigns to be frequent flyers in ohio and also in florida. vice president joe biden made four stops in ohio over the weekend so it is mitt romney's turn and then biden plans to be back there again sometime this week. >> thank you. president obama is feeling the love of supporters in florida. check this out.
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the owner of an italian restaurant in fort pierce was so excite to meet the president this weekend he gave him a big bear hug as you saw right there. witnesses said i'm actually surprised secret service wasn't on him within like two seconds. the witness said the president was amazed at the size of the man who happened be 6' 3" and weighed 260 pounds. the restaurant owner is a registered republican who voted for president obama in 2008 because he says he feels comfortable with him. >> i guess he does. feels very comfortable. >> not sure if the president was feeling very comfortable right there. >> the u.s. hands over formal control of the prison to the afghan government. >> another big day ahead for prints harry's military training. we are checking more headlines coming up next. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient.
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this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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a mile stone as the united states hands over control of bagram prison to the afghan government. u.s. officials normally gave control of thousands of taliban prisoners and terrorist suspects to the afghans this morning. but there is some disagreement between the u.s. and afghan authorities over their detentions. days after congressman jesse jackson, jr. was released from the hospital, it is still unclear when he will return to
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work. jackson was released from minnesota's mayo clinic last week where he was being treated for bipolar disorder. the chicago democrat has been with his family in washington since his release and has declined interviews. his father told reporters saturday he didn't expect his sop to rush back to work any time soon. prince harry could become the target of a taliban attack in afghanistan. that is according to multiple reports. the group is threatening to kill the british royal. today, a militia spokesperson said the taliban has a high value plan in place to attack the 27-year-old prince. meantime, prince harry is expected to start apache specific preparations today to familiarize himself with the helicopter. arrived in notwithstanding last week for his second during of duty. failed contract talk between teachers, and the school district in chicago. >> up next, details of what this means for students there this morning. but first, let's talk to gwen. >> any student heading out this morning will be happy with the weather forecast. we've got lots of sunshine and
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it will be sticking around for at day. quite a few days actually. i'll have the details coming up. stay with us. we'll be back after the break. anncr: this casino's in west virginia.
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but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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welcome back. we're taking a look at the u.s. capitol dome this morning and temperatures fooling much cool are than we have been used to here recently. we will check some with gwen here in just a bit. we want to let you know about
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some unique opportunities this week for disabled veterans and soldiers transitioning back from the war front. the group enable america is stepping up action to help them find jobs. they include on the job shadowing at places like the fbi and also clark construction to name a few places. to learn more about this, go to the web site on your screen or you can call 1-877-enabled. >> a great idea. >> yeah, it certainly is. >> all right. >> now, let's check in with gwen to get the latest on the forecast. >> we have a really nice day ahead. the week will be looking great as well. everybody will be anxious to see it so let's get right to it. we start off with the week is starting a little bit cooler but we are calling it refreshing this morning. temperatures will be a little bit cooler than they have been over the course of the past few weeks. plenty of sunshine ahead in my forecast. temperature will rise by the time you get into late week and then late week do we have a frontal system we'll be keeping
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a very close eye on. in the meantime, not bad at all. here is our accu-weather fox 5 radar composite. nothing to show you. we have clear skies pretty much everywhere. could see a little bit of fog over the mountains but other than that, not a lot of activity. we are starting out this morning at 62 at national airport. 52degrees at gaithersburg. 59 at martinsburg. baltimore at 60. annapolis at 66 degrees. the jet stream is playing a big role in our temperatures. we are getting an influx of cooler air as the jet stream is to the south of us. it will take us into the upper 70s nonetheless. and once again, no shortage of sunshine. our skies will be very bright and this will be pretty much the pattern as we head flu into the course of most of the week. 7-- head through into the course of most of the week. 78degrees is our forecast high. we will see the winds pick up a little bit this afternoon. just be ware of that. northwesterly flow 10 to 15 miles per hour but they will be gusting up to at least 25 miles
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per hour today. so definitely a windy day under the sunshine. for tonight, skies are clear with light winds, 5 # degrees. it will be a little cooler in the suburbs especially to the west. i anticipate it will be more into the low 50s with the mid others being mainly within the city. here is a look at your fox 5 accu-weather seven-day forecast. look at. this we've got a run of sun. if you were at a casino, this would be a win. we get to 84 degrees bay saturday. as we enter the weekend, we've got a frontal system to keep appear eye on. hopefully, it won't bring us anything too much in terms of any wet weather but so far beings looks like just a few clouds. in the meantime, enjoy it all. >> so far, so good. no incidents to report. definitely one of those days when you have the top down flying around the capital beltway. the pace not so bad coming across the inbound 14th street
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bridge. light volume across the potomac headed for the southeast- southwest freeway. gw parkway is in food shape as you travel south of the beltway headed out towards the potomac crossings. light traffic volume southbound along 270. no problems to report on the beltway in virginia traveling between annandale and merrifield. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. after months of negotiations, talks between teachers and the school district in chicago have stalled. >> as a result, the city's 26,000 teachers are going on strike today for the first time in 25 years. mayor rahm emmanuel is not happy. mary ann rafferty has the latest on the negotiation. >> reporter: class this is morning in the chicago school system will be sans instructors. the teach are union has announced it will go on strike after contract talks failed over issues including pay, benefits and job security. >> no ctu members will be
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inside our schools. we will walk the picket lines. we will talk to parents. we will talk to clergy. we will demand a fair contract today. we demand a fair contract now. >> reporter: more than 25,000 teachers and support staff will not show up to work today. a spokesperson for the teachers union saying they didn't take this decision lightly. >> this is a difficult decision and one we hoped we could have avoided. >> the school board president says they offered what he called a fair and responsible contract. it covers four jurors and meets most of the union's demands. chicago mayor rahm emap well suggests the strike was unnecessary since the two sides were close to reaching a deal. >> i am disappointed we have come to this point given that all the other parties acknowledge how close we are because this is a strike of choice. and because of how close we are, it is a strike that is unnecessary. >> reporter: he goes on to say the school board is readied to reopen negotiations. >> my team is available at any time now to pick up where we
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left off so we can get our kids back in the classroom. >> reporter: until strike comes to an end, district official say they plan to monitor and feed the students at the more than 140 schools throughout the city. >> hopefully, they'll get that resolved soon. >> a tough task. >> coming up, do you like celebrity gossip? we tboat involved just a little bit as we talk about it in hereen a new fox show making its debut tonight is just for you. >> coming up next, we'll give you the lowdown on dish nation. stay with us. -- we get involved just a little bit as we talk about it in here. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient.
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this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. we serve more than starters. we serve igniters. and now, so can you. introducing succulent dumplings and crispy spring rolls. ignite the night with p.f. chang's home menu appetizers. find them near our frozen meals.
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a new celebrity gossip show debuts here tonight. >> it features outspoken radio personalities from as contract nation who give thing as a humorous twist. >> we have a preview. >> reporter: celebrity gossip just got a whole lot funnier. >> what do you have against jessica simpson? >> we don't have that kind of time. >> dish nation is revolutionizing radio by bringing pop culture conversations from the airwaves to the small screen. >> it is very fast paced. it is funny. we are all from different parts of the country so you get different angles. >> reporter: filming takes place at five different radio stayings in new york, los angeles, atlanta, dallas and
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detroit. so adding their two cents to the rumor mill is a cast of radio royalty from across the nation. >> they go from new york to detroit to atlanta back to new york, back and forth, back and forth. >> reporter: among the hosts scott and todd ever new york's wplj morning show. >> a 20-year study shows that rude people make more money than nice people. >> up yours. >> reporter: they say this season is not one to miss. >> we think it will be awesome. it is radio with pictures. now, our audience gets to see, good or bad, what happens in that radio station. >> over top screaming success guaranteed. big. >> reporter: they prom toys to dish the dirt on everything in hollywood and beyond. >> supposedly, they're making it from spider milk and i think it is spider silk, not milk. how do you milk a spider? >> at least at the strip club, they wipe the pole down or something before the next girl goes. >> we think it, we say t wear
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not a afraid to say it, not afraid to be it. >> snooki is getting closer to her due date. >> and having fun with each other. >> matthew mcconaughey wearing a g string. how you feel about that? >> this movie really speaks to me. >> wiggle yourself over here. >> reporter: i think you will agree this is not your average newscast. >> we are not the news. we are the entertainment news with a flair. dish nation, that's what we dish about. >> i'm brenda flannigan. fox news. >> a little bit like tmz on steroids. >> over the top. allegations of foul play on the high school football field. ahead in about 14 minutes, details of what a promising player in our area says an opposing player did to him on
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purpose that has him out for the season. >> all of or top stories plus we've got weather and traffic. stay with us. anncr: this casino's in west virginia.
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but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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welcome back. a live look outside at udc, the lights shining bright. the lights always shine bright over washington, d.c. when the
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washington redskins win. all is well in the nation's capital. robert griffin iii lived up to the hype. >> the skins won 40-32. the big stat for griffin, no turnovers. here is how some fans graded his performance. take a listen. >> report card, what grade? >> a plus. >> a good solid a -- you know, of what seeing all five other rookies, i say a plus. >> a plus. >> as a youngest quarterback in the league, he is very mature. he handled it very well. >> coming up in about 20 minutes, we will break down the skins' big win with dave ross in monday morning quarterback. >> here what is i know. he outperformed the guy that was taken ahead of him and he won the game. >> it is off tie good start. >> just one week but it is one week at a time. >> you got to have a good start
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because can you imagine the redskins fans would be so upset. >> i'm sure he feels really good inside. >> he got one under my belt. all right. and it went well. >> i've got one storm from the weekend under my belt and now i'm ready to move on. let's take a look. our satellite-radar composite showing you absolutely nothing. ridge of high pressure in control. we don't have any clouds. there could be a little bit of fog over to the far west. things are looking fabulous this morning. current temperatures, we have 62 degrees at reagan national airport. 66 at annapolis. dulles at 60. baltimore at 60-degree as well. hagerstown at 56 and martinsburg at 59. -- ball at 60 degrees as well. it will be sunny and windy. we are expecting wind to pick up from the northwest and gusting to about 25 miles per hour into the course of the afternoon. by tonight, clear skies. it will be cool, 55 degrees in the city and the low 50s in the suburbs.
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so for today, very nice weather. it will be absolutely fabulous. the week is looking absolutely great too. we've got plenty of sunshine ahead that you can look forward to with some cooler, comfortable days. >> all right. beautiful. >> yes. julie wright, are you enjoying these temperatures right now? >> she's cold. >> yeah. i didn't have the seat warmers on in the car on the drive in this morning. >> not yet. >> not yet. it's coming, honey. on the roads, southbound 270 not looking too bad as you travel south of 109. the lanes are open continuing out toward the truck scales. in virginia, we still haveling aring construction in place until about 6:00 this morning. that will tie up your commute 286 at ox road. no problems to report at the will sop bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic.
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no problems to report at the wilson bridge. concerned residents in a maryland neighborhood will get their chance to grill police about the murder of a maryland teenager. 17-year-old amber stanley was killed in her sleep last month at her home in kettering. investigators say there is nothing in her background to indicate someone wanted her dead. police will take questions at the kettering community center on chesterton drive tonight. summer is over for members of congress after they get back to work after their five-week vacation. lawmaker had v -- have a lot of unfinished business to take care off. congress has a elected to put off some of the big issues like spending cuts and taxes. inaugural preparations are under way on capitol hill. election day is 57 days away. >> let's get the latest from the campaign trail and the chains at the capitol building from melanie alnwick. she is live on capitol hill
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this morning with the story. >> reporter: good morning. the west terrace of the u.s. capitol will be closed starting this morning to construct those inaugural stands for january 21st, 2013. the area will be fenced off. lawmaker, staff and visit irs will have to use side entrances for the duration. let's take a look at the latest poll numbers just out. gallup poll showing registered voters, president obama now has a five high pressure point lead over mitt romney, 49-44%. the poll was taken during the week of the democratic national convention which most analysts now agree gave mr. obama a small bounce. president obama hit another key battleground state on sunday. 29 delegates up for grabs in florida. the president has a slight lead
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in florida but the state still in is to-up territory. mitt romney spent sunday off the campaign trail attending search with his wife. that first debate scheduled for october 3rd. he still managed to make news, however, in a pretaped interview with meet the press. he claire feud his stance on obamacare saying republicans may decide to keep some parts of the controversial health care law such ads coverage for preexisting conditions and young adult children. coming up in our next hour, i'll talk a little bit about a subject that is very close the mind of virginia voteers, those looming defense cuts. the sequestration that is scheduled to kick in. we'll bring that to you at 6:00. >> thank you for that report. tragedy strike the campaign trail after a motorcycle officer escorting the president's motorcade to an
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event dies. the 55-year-old officer from the city of juniper was getting ready to shut down interstate 95 in west palm beach yesterday when he was hit by a pickup truck. white house press secretary jay carney says president obama's thoughts and prayers are with the officer's family. the victim was a 20 year veteran of the june per police department. the former navy seal who authored the book no easy day is getting death threats. the author and on 06 minutes to explain why he wrote about the top secret raid that killed osama bin laden and for security reasons, his appearance and voice were alter on the show. >> this operation was one of the most significant operations in u.s. history and it is something i believe deserves to be told right and deserves to go in a book and stand for itself. i'm not talking secrets, not talking tactics. i don't even get into any of that stuff. but i try to give the read are a sense of what it is like to
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be there. >> the pentagon has threatened to take legal action against owen for an alleged violation of nondisclosure agreements because they say the manuscript was not submitted for a prepublication review. up in, details of a promising player in our area saying an opposing player did this to him on purpose to keep him out for the season. stay with us. we'll be right back. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient.
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this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs,
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lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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iran frees a christian pastor. he was on death row facing the death sentence for refusing to renounce his christian faith. he converted from islam as a teenager and has been held since 2009. iranian officials dropped the charges and gave him credit for time served when they released him over the weekend. teachers in chicago are set to go on strike today for the first time in 25 years. another round of contract talks stalled again late last night. as a result, the chicago teachers union says its 26,000 members will not show up for work today. two sides are haggling over issues like pay raises, benefits and job security. mayor rahm emmanuel condemned the yawn's decision to strike. route anyover an injury at a local high school football game.
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jewellian feriotti plays for north wood high school in wheaton. he is out for the season with a broken hand. relatives say another player stepped on his hand on purpose friday and they're blaming the refs for letting the games get out of control. >> everyone else after the play was walking way but he was still there after and just continued walking so he had to see me. >> my primary concern are these officials not paying attention, not doing their jobs, not looking for the safety of our kids. >> a montgomery county school spokes person sent us a statement saying they are aware ns some sk san diegos and are parents have raised. a field trip that deliver as a lesson in politics but you don't even have to leave home. >> up next, details of a new online field trip about our election process. plus, we are checking your
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monday morning commute and weather. get ready for a sunny delight. we'll be right back. 
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welcome back to fox 5 morning news. live look outside.
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there is a slight chill in the air if you want to consider -- what is that, in the 60s? >> you can't even see. >> i can't see. i'm an old man. that is our tower cam shot right there. here is some information we want to pass along to you. it is a new day for fox 5 daytime. the fourth season of the wendy williams show begins at 10:00 this morning and then brand new at 11:00 a.m. is the ricki lake show and then there is dr. oz back for his fourth season. we'll chat live with dr. oz this morning in our 9:00 hour to learn more about the episode he has coming up in the next few weeks. >> he has become quite the friend of the show. >> maybe we should put him on the payroll. >> he's probably doing it for free. he probably has plenty of money. >> had the free health checks and now he has his new show. it will be a nice day. >> i think dr. oz would say get out and enjoy it. that is what i'm going for say.
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we had a busy weekend. we'll give you a little bit of a recap of that. we'll bin with what happened with set veer storms. there were a couple of sightings of funnel cloud but the national weather service has conducted three storm surveys, fairfax, reston and lorton, and so far, no evidence of them being a tornado. that is at least some good news. i know a lot of you are still recovering from that. we have some great weather at least to help with the clean- up. nothing happening. plenty of sunshine today. current temperatures, 62 at reagan national airport. 52 at gaithersburg. the same at frederick. we've got 60 at baltimore. 62 at quantico. dulles at 59. 54 at manassas and 54 degrees at culpeper. as we head up the mid-atlantic, cool as well. 59 for boston. new york at 61. 60degrees at raleigh. we'll see a northwesterly wind pull in as well. that will hold some gusty winds
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today. high pressure is ruling in the east and that means plenty of clear skies and sunshine straight up and down most of the mid-atlantic. we are not talking any precipitation in the forecast at all. a high of 78 degrees. the wind will pick up to about 28 miles per hour before it is all said and done today. about 55 degrees. it will be cooler in the western suburbs. expect to see your temperatures in the low 50s. sunshine straight across the board right through the end of the week. temperatures start to rise by hump day into the low 80s. get a little warmer on saturday at 84 degrees. than we've got a frontal system to watch as we progress into the weekend. at that point, there is a slight chance we soo see a little bit of a shower activity popping up here and there. julie, i give you sunshine for the day. >> gwen, like it when anterior working. you can't complain with a forecast like that. unfortunately, this is where
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all the good come to an end because out on the roads already, a multivehicle accident tying up your drive on the baltimore-washington parkway. at least eight cars involved in this, we believe. we know that traffic is squeezing by to the right here. expect heavy volume leaving the capital play headed inbound towards bridge hospital. better bet this morning, use 50 as your workaround as you travel inbound from the beltway. southbound along 270, no tie- ups to report right now. however, traffic volume is building approaching and passing 109. 66 still in the clear. no problems reported out of manassas. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. colonial williamsburg is offering a new hook at history now. during september, can you take a free online electronic field trip about the american political system in election history. the program is called the will
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of the people t looks particularly at the election of 100, one of the most bitter elections in history. it also offers several teacher resources. you can find the link on our web site, let's change gears because we are going to talk about what everybody has been talking about, redskins quarterback robert griffin iii shining bright in his nfl regular season debut. >> he won! dave ross breaks it down in our monday morning quarterback. stay with us. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient.
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this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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guess who's back? >> good morning. >> funny how you show up when the redskin win. >> i didn't expect to be here today. i didn't see that. i saw an improved team and all the things we talked about during the preseason and training camp. but to see the performance that robert griffin iii and company put on on the road at arguably the most hostile environment in the nfl in a domed stadium was well beyond their years. >> they hung 40 on them. >> 40! you got to go back to 2005 and the joe gibb era the last time they scored 40 points. here is robert griffin iii. he said he was calm. he looked calm. he was calm. he played the part. he gets punched right in the
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face. >> what does he do? >> he hits pierre garcon. rg iii completed his first eight passes. a nice celebration from the back side there. >> i'm concerned about that. >> he's going to get hit. >> we were talking before we came up here, if you didn't know robinson's name before you do now. they've put him under wraps after the chicago preseason game. debuted him yesterday. here is alfred morris. 28 carries. >> only one won game last year in college. he has already won one in the pros. >> he says this is nothing knew for him. the offensive line played great. when you have performances by guys you don't expect from robinson and morris. we knew rg iii would be good but we don't know he would be great. this town has to say is this really happen something it is
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really happening. that is how good that is. it was a historical debut for robert griffin iii. he won his game. cam newton, who had better numbers, didn't win his game last year. i don't know what else you need to see or want to see as a redskin fan over what you saw yesterday for rg iii. simply stunning. let's take a look at what the eagles did yesterday. there is michael vick and the boys going to see if they can get the win. that is the american flag. who is coming out of it, brandon whedon. he got trapped under the flag. rg iii did not get stuck underneath the flag. michael vick got stuck. four picks. look like the browns are going to pull this upset off 16-10 but vick makes amends in the final two minutes. his touch downpass right here and eagles escape with a 17-16
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victory. we already have a three-with a tie atop the nfc with the eagles, cowboys and redskins. washington nationals yesterday, while all the fuss and hoopla was going on over rg iii and rightfully show, they got lost in the lights here. this is routine and will end the inning except it doesn't. you wear the eye black and all that stuff. >> it still didn't work. >> you look up there in the sun and that led to two runs and the floodgates were open and stanton, that thing is way gone. this is one day you want to forget about. their magic number is still 17. what that means is any combination of nats wind an braves losses that equal 17 in this last month and nfc champs. not bad. one more piece of sports to get to. how about serena williams yesterday? again, very quietly, underneath the radar up this in new york city. she is now the queen of new york city as she rallies to win
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the u.s. open, her 15th grand slam title. they was down 5 3-in the third set and rallied to win the final four matches. >> and she is 30. >> 30. lying tennis and she is like ancient. >> no signs of slowing down. >> just motoring on through these girls. it is pretty amazing the things can you do after 30. >> i wouldn't know. i'll let you know when i get there. i'm talking about getting to 30. >> and rg iii, talk about age, he has forever until he hits 30 and he looks this good in his early 20s. >> hopefully, he can keep it up. >> i don't know how you keep it up at this pace but that was incredible. >> time for our facebook fan of the day. today we say hello to russ sell morgan. russell says leaves for work at 10:00 each morning but his tv is faithfully locked on fox 5
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beginning at 4:25 in the morning. >> for your chaps to be tomorrow's fan of the day, just log onto our facebook page and leave a comment under russell's picture. we'll be right back. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault.. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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